Russia and the Islamic World explore various fields of co-operation in the context of a changing international environment wherein a search for new allies and strategic partners are an ongoing reality. In order to facilitate discussions on possible avenues of partnership, Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” consisting high level members from Russia and some OIV countries was formed few years ago. The Third Meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” was convened on February 2-3, 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey. Participants included distinguished representatives from Russian Federation and OIC member countries. H.E. Mintimier Shamiev, President of the Republic of Tatarstan and H.E. Yaşar Yakış, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey have co-chaired the meeting. H.E. Mintimier Shamiev, President of the Republic of Tatarstan gave the opening address to the 3rd meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World”. He stated that Istanbul as the venue of the meeting is not only a beautiful city but also a center of various symbols rooted in history. H.E. Mintimier Shamiev pointed out that religion has returned and experienced a revival at the present time. A similar process took place in Tatarstan but this has not caused divisions in society as happened elsewhere. Islam, with its emphasis on spirituality and justice can play a role in the regeneration of Europe. The task for us, he said, should not be limited to the question of what we understand from religion. Rather, we should ask as ourselves how we can contribute to religion and how we can transform out outlook. Islam is not against progress and scientific developments.
Participants addressed a number of timely and important questions which might have repercussions for Russia and the Muslim World. It has been argued that the group as a forum contributing to Russia-Muslim World relations has three essential foundations and objectives defined as Geographical, Cultural/Historical and Political. Geographical foundation indicates that Russia is in near proximity to the Muslim World and has a unique position having a vast geographical relation with Muslim countries. Cultural foundation refers to the mixture of ethnicities, demography, arts and cultures between Russia and the Muslim world starting from 9/10th centuries. Cultural relations have enabled Russians to develop a better understanding of Muslims. Political foundation indicates that Russia is a global power and strategic partner for the Muslim World. From cold war onwards, Russia has maintained constructive relations with the Muslim World. It has also been asserted that the forum has objectives on three levels: Global, Regional and Domestic. Global objective is to contribute to civilizational dialogue, peace and mutual understanding especially in the post 9/11 era. Regional objective is to contribute to the solution of regional problems and establish sustainable peace in the Balkans, the Middles East, Caucasia and Central Asia. Domestic objective is to improve working relations with Muslims living in Russia and enable them to be a bridge between Russia and the larger Muslim world. Participants pointed out that for the perspectives and objectives outlined above, Russia’s relations with the Muslims World as an observer state in the OIC is an important institutional link between the two sides.
Participants pointed out that the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” has already started to make an impact as an important project to improve international and regional tolerance. It has been stressed that this project is a meaningful enterprise to strengthen dialogue between Christianity and Islam in general and Russia and the Muslim world in particular. In this context Russia’s a legacy of the co-existence of different ethnicities, nations and religions is underlined as a significant historical experience which could facilitate easing tensions between the West and the Muslim World. Participants underlined the fact that the world today has numerous problems. Honesty and sincerity are lacking as vital qualities in international relations and the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” is expected to revive such qualities.
Participants pointed out that Russian relations with the Muslim world are anchored in geography, culture and history. It is stated that the 3rd meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” took place at a critical moment when Muslim are facing a number of challenges such as underdevelopment, political conflicts and foreign interventions. Israeli-Palestinian conflict and crisis in Iraq cause a great concern for all. Moreover, racism, xenophobia and Islamphobia are on the increase that needs to be tackled effectively. It is stated that consultation of the OIC member states with Russia on the solutions of such problems is an important enterprise. Another concern is establishing relations with the host countries of Muslim minorities. Russia has a long history and experience in this regard which developed closer relations with Muslims on shared grounds. Russian-Muslim relations have gone through different stages. Now the establishment of closer co-operation between Russia and OIC member states is important to resolve conflicts and to promote dialogue. In this context Russia can play an important role as a bridge between the Islamic World and the West.
Participants called for concrete project proposals in order to make improvement drawing upon the progress of the previous meetings. It is stressed that many people frequently discuss Huntington’s thesis of the clash of civilizations but no further action is taken. Therefore it is time to talk about new principles and concrete projects to carry on. It is stated that an action plan should be accepted and projects such as publication of a book on tolerance and on the life of Prophet of Islam, education of young people, training of journalists, publication of an online journal and a creation of a website to disseminate views of the Group should be launched. For an effective administration, Participants proposed the establishment an Executive Committee from High Level Group to supervise the work of the Group and a Secretary to facilitate communication.
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