22 Haziran 2005 Çarşamba

Muslims in the West: A Misconstrued Community

European societies are predominantly secular and there is a growing Muslim population in the very heart of secular Europe. Secularized European social life, political culture and public sphere are all facing an enormous challenge of accommodating a relatively religious Muslim from different Muslims countries. Despite settling in Europe many Muslims attach great importance to their sacred and religious values, trying to express their demands and identities in the public spheres.
In the midst of secular Europe there is a growing presence of Muslims in the West with an estimated number between 13 to 15 million comprising more then 35, percent of European population. It’s worth remembering that Europe’s Muslim population is an unintended consequence of labor migration during the postwar labor shortage in the 1950s and 1960s when Turks, Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, and Pakistanis were invited to fill the vacuum in workforce. In the initial period of their employment it was thought that they would return to their home countries once the industry took off and the migrants saved enough money. Therefore labor receiving countries neglected to establish comprehensive policies for the integration of Muslim migrants. Germany for example insisted using the term “guestworker” to indicate that they are meant to go back home. Instead families joined together and a new generation of Muslims emerged in the heart Europe. Since their arrival and settlement in Europe, Muslims have been encountering a number of problems such as being employed in low paid jobs, failure in education, bad housing conditions, racism and discrimination. State policies towards Muslims seem to have contributed to ghettoziation of Muslim communities.
Increasing number of Muslims, their visibility claim-makings as equal citizens in the public sphere is leading to new identity negotiations for Muslims and Europeans. The cover picture of European editions of weekly Time magazine (8 February 2005) which portrayed Mona Lisa with Muslim headscarf lend support to our view that Europeans are also redefining their identity. Muslims also in the process of reconstructing their religious and cultural identity defying the essentialist clichés that Muslims have monolithic identity perception. It is well documented that existence of Muslim in Europe is causing varying reactions on the part of Europeans. Some argue that presence of Muslims strengthens religious diversity, multiculturalism and civilizational dialogue while a conservative minority asserts that Islamisation is becoming Europe’s biggest problem and causing an identity crisis. 9/11, Madrid bombing and murder of Theo van Gogh worsened the image and position of Muslims in Europe. These events seem to have produced a fertile ground for exclusionary views. An Islamophobia emerged and Muslims became targets of hate campaigns. They were mistakenly seen as a threat to national security. It is often recorded and reported that Muslims were primary targets of verbal abuse, physical attacks and harassment in both the USA and Europe right after 9/11. Following the 9/11 attacks, the European Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) found out that Muslim communities have become targets of increased hostility since 11 September.
Now it is time to put aside old prejudices and recover from Islamophobia. It must be noted here that Muslims can not be understood properly unless one discovers the meaning of religion for Muslim communities. Religion is not simply a cultural heritage or a source of individual/collective identity or merely a set of ritual practices for Muslims. Islam has an existential value for Muslim believers providing a weltanschauung for them in public and private realms. It will be possible to establish working relations and sustainable dialogue with Muslims if only Europeans understand the meaning and significance of religion and its existential importance for Muslims.

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